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Personal Information :

Full name : Horst Fischer

Date of birth : born 1969 in Vienna

Nationality : Austria

Civil status: married with Angela (53 yrs) and son Kristian (20 yrs)

Address : Austria, 1030 Wien, Keinergasse 5/7/10

e-mail : horst_fischer_a(at) or mail(at)

Military Service : completely served in 1991

Education :

1975 – 1983 elementary and comprehensive school in Vienna

1983 – 1990 school for construction, structual and architectual engineering with an final (A-level) examination in Vienna

Career history :

Technician on building sites in companies for construction (mostly General Contractor Services) :

1991 – 1992 :

Uniprojekt Innenausbau GesmbH, Vienna

Porr Group, Vienna

Junior Cost Estimator and QS in companies for constuction (mostly General Contractor Sevices) :

1992 – 1999 :

Universale - Bau AG, Vienna

Ferro-Betonit Werke AG, Vienna

STRABAG Österreich AG, Vienna

Cost Estimator and QS in companies for construction (mostly General Contractor Services) :

1999 – 2008 :

Voitl & Co BaugesmbH, Vienna

04/2008 – 06/2015 :

Porr-Group, Vienna

Senior Cost Estimator and QS in companies for construction (General Contractor Services such as Renovation and Modifications) :

09/2015 - 09/2018 :

Östu-Stettin Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH, Vienna

01/2019 - 03/2019 :

STRABAG (Stadtbaumeister Böhm), Vienna

04/2019 - 31.03.2025 :

BM Dipl.-Ing. Mörtinger & Co. GmbH

Additional knowledges :

PC user knowledges :

iTWO 2017 Kalkulation (2 Projects, STRABAG)

Auer Success 7.2 (Program for estimations)

Windows 11

MS Excel + Word 2016

for ISO 9001: 2000 Certifications

Category B driving license since 1988

Practice in car driving on the left road side: 50 Weeks (Holidays 2008-2024 in Australia and New Zealand approx. 40,000 km in the country and cities)